Being Kind

Nicole Pecorella, MSW-LP, is a New York-based therapist. She specializes in depression, anxiety, self-esteem, fear of failure, life transitions, imposter syndrome, burnout, and trauma.

I read her article about being kind and wanted to share it with you. Being kind to others not only helps them but also helps ourselves. Being kind and compassionate is much needed and also being kind and compassionate to yourselves. Not being overcritical to ourselves or other people. Being critical doesn’t help it only increases any negative feelings and feelings of rejection if we are critical to someone else. Being kind and compassionate to other people has a ripple effect where people feel uplifted and then this positive interaction enables them to continue being positive perhaps for the rest of their day and makes it more likely that they will have further positive interactions with other people that day. All our interactions with other people affect them negatively or positively in some way, however small.

If you are having a difficult day/week try being extra kind and compassionate to yourself and other people. This is one way to focus on positive emotions instead of negativity. Helping other people also helps you too.

If you had judgemental or critical parents or siblings it is much more likely that you will be overly self critical and harsh to yourself without realising, so try to be aware of how you talk to yourself and foster self kindness and compassion for yourself to make up for this. Don’t push yourself too hard. Ask for help, don’t struggle on with problems without reassessing and finding ways to make the situations easier and finding options and ways to overcome difficulties. Being self critical, overly harsh and pushing yourself too hard, often makes a difficult situation or problem worse rather than improves it, as we don’t make good decisions when we are too critical and harsh.

Being kind to yourself, practising self care and kindness and compassion every day for yourself.

Listen to your own feelings and take time to relax. Have people in your life who listen to you, respond to you with concern, care, compassion and kindness.

Distant healing this weekend 9/10th Sept

Distant healing today pay 10 mins £5, 20 mins £10, 30 mins £15, 1 hour £30, pay via paypal, by simply clicking the link below and texting me a date and time you would like to book and your name, Sheila 07954 192916

Bournemouth and Poole

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I’m in Poole and Bournemouth area now until the 15th September, ring/text to book holistic therapies and reiki training, I’m enjoying the beautiful coastline, amazing sunny weather and the clear sea and lovely beaches. If you would like to know more about Reiki or would like to book an Indian head massage or chakra balancing, or a combination of therapies. Ring 07954 192916/text me.

This weekend I am cycling in Bournemouth but I do have some appointments up to 9 pm tonight so treat yourself this weekend in the comfort of your own home.


You are most welcome here. It doesn’t matter to me what size or shape you are, the colour of your skin or your sexual preference. You matter and how you feel, if you are in discomfort, in need of help, feeling under the weather emotionally or physically, this all matters.

As a reiki practitioner and holistic therapist I am aiming to promote optimal health and wellbeing, spiritual guidence but much more is important to me as well and is part of all this, happiness, peace, living life to the full, being your true authentic self, feeling good about yourself and enjoying what you do.

Welcome to my blog, my website and my therapies.

Searching for Unicorns

I used to go to school with a lass who always said she was searching for unicorns. I think now that it is good to always try to find unicorns, dreams and things to make you smile, things to make you laugh and ways to find magic in your life and magic even in the bad times as well as the good. So I have not forgotten the girl who told me that she was looking for unicorns and whatever was happening that week at high school, she made me smile when she talked about this.

So try to find your unicorns, your wishes and dreams, things to make you smile, laugh and forget the difficulties that may be ensuing. And if you are finding it hard on your own to do this, then reach out to someone to others, to friends, or professionals like counsellors, reiki practitioners, and there is a lot of things that are helpful to lift someone up, like starting to paint, going to art classes, or simply buying some paper and paints and putting colour down onto the paper can be uplifting, or writing a journal and making lists of what you would like to do and start going through the list and if you can’t do exactly what you have on the list, then to do a similar thing to it. Going for walks and being out in nature is good for you too. Find things to enjoy every week and people to have a bit of a chat to, sounds simple but can work wonders.

Ten minutes visualisation for relaxation and stress reduction and ten mins Reiki together

Sit down comfortably. Close your eyes, I want you to imagine that you are walking along a beach, this could be a beach you know, or simply a stretch of sand, the sky above is a blue and bright, a spring day. To your right is the sea, it has small waves, the sea is clear glitters in the sunshine. Walk along the beach, the sand feels warm and soft under your feet, with every step, you feel more comfortable, and calmer. With every step, you can hear the noise of the waves, which is soothing, and feel a gentle breeze on your face. Walk along the beach, you can hear seagulls over head, and you can smell the sea air, and the sea weed along the shoreline. Continue walking along the beach, with each step, you are leaving the past behind you, with each step, you are releasing yourself from your worries, with each step you feel more relaxed. Continue walking along the beach, with each step you feel more confident, and stronger. As you do this, breathe normally, and listen to your breath. Walking along the beach, the sun shines on your face, and the warmth is soothing. Walking along the beach, you can hear the waves softly crashing to your right, over and over and over. Walking along the beach, there is only this moment of calm and comfort right now where everything is fine. After ten minutes, open your eyes, take time to ‘wake up’, especially if you need to drive anywhere, drink some water, enjoy the rest of the day.

Ten minutes reiki together:
Sit comfortably on a chair or settee, close your eyes, and place your hands, palms up on your knees, think of a golden light shining down on your, going down to your crown chakra. This light is going to go down around you, down through your third eye chakra, down through your throat chakr, down to your heart chakra, to your solar plexus chakra, to your sacral chakra, and to your root chakra. As this happens, they will open, and work efficiently for you. You will feel relaxed and calm. The reiki will sooth and help you release fears, worries, and anxieties. As you are enjoying this relaxation, breathe normally, listen to your breath, hear the sounds outside, and in your environment. Everything is fine in this moment, peace, kindness, happiness, joy, sharing, helping others, relax in this moment. After ten minutes, open your eyes, take time to ‘wake up’, especially if you need to drive anywhere, drink some water, enjoy the rest of the day.

Reiki via distant connection

Reiki is a very versatile energy and can be used/given/channelled/shared in many different ways. You do not need to be in the same room near to a practitioner to receive Reiki. Reiki can be ‘sent’ to someone from any distance. Reiki energy is everywhere including inside everyone and around us all and in the universe. So, when someone is channelling Reiki they ‘send’ it to the person and also there is Reiki energy around that person and that energy also goes to them, as well as this there is oneness, this means that we are all one and not separate, which comes from Bhuddism, This is quite difficult in some ways to grasp, because we are all unique individuals, and separate entitys, however, we are all human beings and all come from the universe and have Reiki energy within us, so we have an enormous amount of similarities and things in common. When a practitioner does distant connection healing, they merge with the recipient and as such could be said to become one with them, and feel this state of oneness when we do this, so at this time, it could be thought that there is no us and them, that we are both as one.

This February I am giving a discount of £10 for my discount connection Reiki, so £40 for one hour, which the recipient can have at any time of day, whatever they are doing, or they can book a certain time so that they can relax sit or lie down and rest while having Reiki. To book send an email if outside of UK or ring/email if in UK and I will send you details of how to pay prior to the appointment. A consultation form will be required to fill in. Quote ‘oneness’ for your discount.



Reiki Benefits

Reiki is very versatile to use. It is good for self healing and there are several methods of self healing which one is taught at first degree on my courses. I teach Usui Reiki Ryoho which is as close to the way that Usui did it himself as we can be. To follow the way he originally practised Reiki. Self healing is important to Reiki and then we can also use Reiki for other people to help others, after level one, this can be for family and friends. After level two, it can be for the public as well. Level three is where we learn how to attune and give empowerments and learn Kotodama and many more symbols.

Reiki is good for health problems and for anxiety, stress, sleeping problems, spiritual development and for many other things. It is safe to use alongside convention medical treatments. Many hospitals around the world are now bringing Reiki practitioners into the wards to help patients. Reiki is a natural method for relaxation, health and spiritual development. I am a big believer of things being natural and of natural methods of healing and health maintenance. It is much easier to maintain your health when you use natural methods which you can do each day and each week and fit these into your life and your schedules easily.

When you have an appointment for Reiki, you can have this sat down in a comfy seat or lying down and all you need to do is relax. You can have Reiki for one hour or more and many people drop asleep when they have this or feel deeply relaxed. You may see colours or feel warmth or cool, or tingling, but many people simply feel deeply relaxed and then afterwards appreciate the benefits that it brings to them. You can have an appointment at the same time as someone else such as a friend and Reiki with work at an individual level for each person for what each person needs.

The energy is able to come to you via distant connection also, to anywhere in the world. Reiki is very relaxing and the more you have it the more it will help you. So do connect with me whereever you are reading this post and you can have Reiki in person or via distant connection if you are not in my area.

When you learn Reiki the more you do it for yourself the more you will benefit and the more you will learn and know that Reiki is working for you, and also you will learn how to feel the energy and utilise it in different ways as your progress through each level of Reiki training and use it yourself. Reiki can be learnt at your own pace, so you are not under any pressure, you have the day or 2 days training day and have a manual to read and cds to listen to or mp3s, so after your intial training you continue with your development at a pace to suit you and can ask me for advice at any time.

Sheila Williams August 2022

Pranic Healing

Pranic means life force and the aim is to bring balance to the energy flow within the body.  When giving a treatment the Prantic healer first scans the body without touching, by sweeping their hands over it, about a foot or two away from it, to see if they can sense energy blockages or imbalances.  When they find an area that they want to work on, they work on that area and remove the negative energy.  When that is gone they send fresh life force energy to the body to bring health and positive energy to it.  They draw this energy from the sun, air, earth, trees, and other things in nature.  When this restortation happens in the body, it releases any negative emotional charge along with any dark energies that can cause disease.  

The benefits of pranic healing are: it reduces stress, anxiety and depression, it boosts self confidence, it helps to decrease panic attacks,  phobias and social anxiety.  It helps remove negative blockages and brings the body into balance.  It is healing for physical problems.  It makes you happier and more content.  It assists sleep.  It improves your immune system.  It helps people be more energetic.  It is good for spiritual development.  

Usui Reiki Ryoho level one

Usui Reiki Ryoho

Learn self healing and healing for friends and family, introduction to meditation, mindfulness, Reiki precepts, spiritual energy exercises,

You could start your reiki journey this spring. First degree, one to one training at same price as in a group.

Receive manual, cds, certificate. One day in person training

It’s good for spiritual development, which is an individual thing, but I give you some ideas of what this can mean on the day.  You learn  self healing and you can share reiki healing energy with family and friends.  There is an introduction to meditation and mindfulness, and the Reiki precepts.  You are given Reiki empowerments which help to improve someone’s connection to the energy and help you spiritually and for your spiritual journey, they also are good for the chakras as well.

Also on the day you learn how to feel the energy which is all around us and within us.  Learn how to self heal and some energy exercises/routines which you do sitting and thinking about things.  You don’t have to memorise anything, it’s all in the manual and on the cds, which I ‘sign post’ for you, where the healing exercises are in the manual as well.  So, level one is a lot about self healing and working on the self, and learning to feel the energy for yourself, and doing things which help you to feel it more, but you can also share Reiki with family and friends.  The self healing is for the physical but also for emotional and spiritual.  There is on going support and advice to do with Reiki as well.  The Level one is £160.  

Once someone has done the day course, you continue at your own pace, with what you learnt on the course.  The energy exercises and meditation can be done as it suits you, when you want to relax, or shut your eyes for a while or if you feel stressed or tired, then that is a good time to do them, or just when you want to relax for a bit.  Or anytime you feel like it.  So there is no pressure on the day or after it.