The Benefits of Having an Indian Head Massage

Massaging the scalp relieves tension the cranial muscles, this can help reduce headaches, and is very relaxing.  A head massage could improve your concentration levels and help to relieve stress.  A head massage helps to get rid of lactic acid caused by stress.  If lactic acid builds up, it is very bad for the hair follicles.  Having a head massage relieves tension in the head muscles so that the hair follicles are not squeezed by tight muscles.  Both of these two benefits mean that a head massage is very good if you have problems with hair loss, or are trying to promote hair growth.  Also a massage increases the blood flow to the area so it also improves circulation and helps the elimination of toxins and waste products from the body.  An Indian head massage included the shoulders, neck, upper back and upper arms.  The massage as a whole stimulates the lymphatic system and helps with the elimination of toxins.  It helps to reduce muscle tension and this helps reduce back pain.  Massage also helps to promote a good nights sleep and increases feelings of calm and wellbeing.

Natural Health and wellbeing

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